Snow Socks For Tires – A Fashion Statement? Or Are They Safety Equipment?


In general, snow socks for tires can be a fashion statement as much as a safety device. When you live in a climate where snow falls on the ground, it will tend to stick to your tires unless you take special precautions to keep them off. To keep them off, you should wear a pair of snow socks for tires. There are several reasons why you would want to wear these, but most commonly they are used to make traveling on slushy roads safer for both drivers and pedestrians alike. Let’s take a look at these reasons and some practical examples.

The main principle behind snow socks is basically similar to snow chains. They are a contraption that fits over your wheels to improve traction on icy and snowy roads. But snow socks aren’t made of a strong, durable textile like chains with a rotating gear system. They are made of a soft nylon material, much like the material that snow socks made out of are made of. This makes snow socks for tires much more comfortable, and as a result much more slippery, as well.

The softer the textile, the less traction you get from the material. And as you know, you don’t want a piece of fabric which isn’t able to provide you with enough traction, especially in the case of snow socks for tires. It’s important that the snow socks for tires you wear to provide you with enough traction, because otherwise, you risk sliding on the road while traveling. A pair of poorly built snow socks for tires will have nothing but a cosmetic purpose and won’t give you any benefits in terms of traction.
